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리코 그랜드 콘서트 셀렉트 에볼루션 Bb 클라리넷 리드

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Price 37.49
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Product 리코 그랜드 콘서트 셀렉트 에볼루션 Bb 클라리넷 리드
Country of Origin 미국
Price $37.49 27.63
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  • Shipping Area : A Region.
  • Shipping Cost : International Shipping Fee
  • Shipping Time : 3 - 7 days
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● 제품 특징
- 최상의 음색
- 견고하며 장기간 사용 가능

Grand Concert Select Evolution reeds are unfiled and have more material in the shoulders of the vamp. They feature a traditional tip and the thickest spine of the GCS family, providing a full sound. Of all Rico's clarinet reeds, GCS Evolution has the thickest blank; thick blanks are made from cane further away from the bark, resulting in a warmer sound.
  • Traditional tip shape for quick response
  • Thickest blank of the GCS family, for more body to the attack
  • Heavier spine for greater sound projection
  • Offered in boxes of 10
  • Available in half strengths, from 2.5 to 5.0



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