Exercises and Etudes For The Jazz Instrumentalist (Trombone / Bass Clef Instruments)

악기: Trombone
작곡가: J.J. Johnson
출판사: Hal Leonard   
시리즈 : Instructional 


아주 쉬운 곡 부터 어려운 곡 까지 멜로디 연습과 에튀드를 함께 묶었으며, 대부분의 연습곡은 잘 알려진 스탠다드 재즈곡을 바탕으로 꾸몄습니다.


Exercises and Etudes for the Jazz Instrumentalist is a collection of original pieces by master trombonist/composer J.J. Johnson. Designed as study material and playable by any instrument, these pieces (the harmonies of which are based on well-known standards) run the gamut of the jazz experience, featuring common and uncommon time signatures and keys, and styles from ballads to funk. They are progressively graded so that both beginners and professionals will be challenged by the demands of this wonderful music. Published in both treble and bass clef editions, this book also includes text to guide the player, as well as a biography of Johnson. (159 pages)