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Pickett Mouthpiece Backbore Commercial Series for Trumpet

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Price 165.07
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Product Pickett Mouthpiece Backbore Commercial Series for Trumpet
Country of Origin Republic of Korea
Price $165.07 121.66
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Seller Product Code PK-TPBS-CM



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Product Inquiry

Mouthpiece Backbore: Commercial

One of a kind mouthpiece backbores.  

Backbore: R
Offers a slightly more open feel than the V, and C4 backbore.  The R backbore is a great option for players who love the articulation and response of the V, and C4 backbore, but wish for the extreme upper register to offer less resistance when pushed.  Applications - Lead Trumpet/Commercial/Piccolo Trumpet/Soloistic playing
Backbore: V
Extremely responsive with impeccable articulation throughout the full register of the horn.  The backbore offers great resistance creating an efficient and fast air-stream.  Applications - Lead Trumpet/Commercial/Piccolo Trumpet/Soloistic playing
Backbore: C4
Produces a more aggressive sound than the 10-5, which aids in sound projection when playing with electronic instruments.  Very responsive with quick articulations, and creates that 'zing' in the sound if that is desired.  Applications - Lead Trumpet/Commercial/Piccolo Trumpet/Soloistic playing

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