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Soulo SM8525 Trumpet Harmon-Style Mute

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Product Soulo SM8525 Trumpet Harmon-Style Mute
Country of Origin United States
Price $201.19 148.28
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Seller Product Code SM8525



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Trumpet Harmon-Style Mute


(!) 특허받은 크림프-리스 커넥션 기술로 완벽한 피치를 제공

   Our PATENTED Crimp-less Connection™, which allows for a perfect pitch!

(!) 벨에서 쉽게 떨어지지 않는 흡착력. 

   Will not fall out! No more breathing inside the bell!

(!) 자유로운 불기, 공기 흐름 방해 없음, 공기 역학적인 디자인 !

   Free-blowing, no air disturbance, aerodynamic design!

(!) 웅장한 와우 와우 사운드를 전달하는 최고 품질의 쿠퍼와 알루미늄!

   The highest quality COPPER and ALUMINUM, delivering a buzzy wah-wah sound!

(!) 가볍고 쉬운 부착!

   Lightweight and super easy on the chops!

무게 : 226g (0.5 lbs)

크기 : 17.8 x 12.7 x 12.7cm (7.0 × 5.0 × 5.0 inch)




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