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Beechler Diamond Inlay Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece

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Price 234.11
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Product Beechler Diamond Inlay Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece
Country of Origin United States
Price $234.11 172.54
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Product Inquiry

Beechler Diamond Mouthpieces

Beechler Black Diamond and White Diamond alto mouthpieces are made in three different bore sizes. 

* The small bore has a medium high baffle and horseshoe shaped chamber producing a fast column and generating a 

  powerful and brilliant sound, rich in overtones

* The medium bore has an open style baffle and open chamber producing a medium fast air column allowing for the 

  production of subtleties of sound while maintaining ease of projection

* The large bore has a medium baffle and open chamber which produce a rich saxophone sound

The materials used for these mouthpieces is a sturdy combination of traditional hard rubber and new age plastics designed to 

utilize the full dynamic range of the instrument

<< Tip Openings >>


  tenor 2  0.070 inch / 1.778mm

  tenor 3  0.075 inch / 1.905mm

  tenor 4  0.080 inch / 2.032mm

  tenor 5  0.085 inch / 2.159mm

  tenor 6  0.090 inch / 2.286mm

  tenor 7  0.095 inch / 2.413mm

  tenor 8  0.100 inch / 2.540mm

  tenor 9  0.105 inch / 2.667mm

tenor 10  0.110 inch / 2.794mm


  tenor 2  0.075 inch / 1.905mm

  tenor 3  0.080 inch / 2.032mm

  tenor 4  0.085 inch / 2.159mm

  tenor 5  0.090 inch / 2.286mm

  tenor 6  0.095 inch / 2.413mm

  tenor 7  0.100 inch / 2.540mm

  tenor 8  0.105 inch / 2.667mm

  tenor 9  0.110 inch / 2.794mm

 tenor10  0.115 inch / 2.921mm

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