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Beechler Bellite Tenor Sax Mouthpiece

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Price 651.58
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Product Beechler Bellite Tenor Sax Mouthpiece
Country of Origin United States
Price $651.58 480.23
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Seller Product Code B82/C33



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Product Inquiry

>> Bellite Model <<

>> Custom Bellite Model <<

Beechler Bellite mouthpiece

The Beechler Bellite mouthpiece is cast from the finest surgical steel. The material is resistant to corrosion, breakage, or change in playing characteristics due to environmental considerations. The hardness of this metal provides an ultra fast response time to bring out the brilliance of the overtone series. The Bellite Alto feature a medium high baffle and open chamber which supports a brilliant contemporary sound as well as a subdued ballad sound. Ligatures and caps are provided with all Beechler metal models.

The customizing option is an alternate contour applied to the baffle and chamber of the mouthpiece.  This provides acoustic and dynamic features desired by some professionals.

Tip Openings


  tenor 2  0.070 inch / 1.778mm

  tenor 3  0.075 inch / 1.905mm

  tenor 4  0.080 inch / 2.032mm

  tenor 5  0.085 inch / 2.159mm

  tenor 6  0.090 inch / 2.286mm

  tenor 7  0.095 inch / 2.413mm

  tenor 8  0.100 inch / 2.540mm

  tenor 9  0.105 inch / 2.667mm

tenor 10  0.110 inch / 2.794mm


  tenor 2  0.075 inch / 1.905mm

  tenor 3  0.080 inch / 2.032mm

  tenor 4  0.085 inch / 2.159mm

  tenor 5  0.090 inch / 2.286mm

  tenor 6  0.095 inch / 2.413mm

  tenor 7  0.100 inch / 2.540mm

  tenor 8  0.105 inch / 2.667mm

  tenor 9  0.110 inch / 2.794mm

 tenor10  0.115 inch / 2.921mm

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